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"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." (Timothy 4:1)
She must rescue a loved one from a somber spiritual realm
and save his life on Earth.
Investor's Profit Share
The investor will receive 100% of the money invested first, plus 20% (120% total) before the production company receives any money, once all production expenses has been paid. After the investor receives his/her 120%, investor will be entitled to a distributable of the net profit, in the percentage agree upon - in an amount equel to the percentage of his contribution to the final budget.
The genre's high ROI potential stems from several key advantages: relatively low production costs that don't require expensive special effects or A-list stars, efficient marketing through word-of-mouth and social media virality, multiple revenue streams (theatrical, streaming, VOD, international markets), and a dedicated year-round audience base that actively seeks new content. Additionally, supernatural thrillers can succeed in any release window and tend to perform well internationally, making them a comparatively lower-risk investment with significant upside potential for investors and sponsors looking to enter the film industry.
Let's say you had US$1,000 to invest in a movie and you are given two choices. You can buy a tiny piece of a future Marel film versus a tiny piece of the next "The Conjuring" movie. Contrary to what you might th ink, you should choose "The Conjuring" film over a Marvel one. The return on investment will be much, much greater.
Film investment is demonstrably uncorrelated to the equity, property or bond markets and is proving to be very resilient, even during challenging times. Film investment has the potential for significant upside.
An escrow account will be opened in the name of the escrow account manager at a bank familiar with the film industry (i.e.: Chase Bank, Wells Fargo Bank).
All parties involved in the financial transaction, together with the escrow account manager, enter into a escrow agreement.
The money will stay in the escrow account until all the minimum necessary funds are raised to produce the film. If not enough money is raised, the funds in escrow are returned to the investors. By depositing money in an escrow account, investors are protected because they know none of their capital will be spent until all the money needed to produce the film has been raised.
Once all necessary funds have been raised and production commences (including pre-production), investor’s money can’t be returned, as the production will have already incurred expenses.
Once funds are disbursed for production, there will be a system of checks and balances to ensure that all monies are properly spent and accounted for. A budget and cash flow will be approved beforehand. Production funds will be placed in a separate, segregated account.Once funds are disbursed for production, there will be a system of checks and balances to ensure that all monies are properly spent and accounted for. A budget and cash flow will be approved beforehand. Production funds will be placed in a separate, segregated account.
A new golden era of film finance, high net worth individuals and institutions alike have been suddenly magnetized by a competing macro picture that is rippling across the planet, accelerating global demand for content, even more distribution platforms competing for those titles.
Geographical expansion at the box office is only part of the picture. New technologies continue to carve open new outlets for viewing both at home and on the move, increasing the potential revenue- generating life of every title that achieves commercial distribution.
The video streaming capabilities of web-enabled televisions, iPads, Playstations, X- Boxes and the like, mean that films are reaching more people than ever before. PWC predicts that both box office and video streaming revenue will each continue to grow over the coming years.
Many Oscar nominations are now for independent films. Their quality is being recognized and is in demand. The major studios are largely only interested in 'blockbuster' films, so growing demand for content has to be met from elsewhere.
Films are glamorous. They have an aura about them. This is perhaps because most of us are not actors or film stars, and can only dream of taking part in the making of a film.
But investing in film means that you can genuinely get involved. You will be offered opportunities to watch filming taking place and meet the cast. There may be opportunities to be an 'extra' in some of the films. And, of course, you will be invited to the film premieres. We want you to enjoy the experience of investing in films.